- Δυστυχώς για μένα η ίωση έγινε ιγμορίτιδα και με καθήλωσε στο κρεββάτι για τα καλά με πολύ πονοκέφαλο. Σύμφωνα με τον γιατρό την επόμενη εβδομάδα ίσως μπορέσω να ξεκινήσω πάλι.
- Unfortunately for me, the flu turned into sinusitis and riveted to bed for good with a lot of headaches. According to the doctor next week maybe we could start again.

- Unfortunately for me, the flu turned into sinusitis and riveted to bed for good with a lot of headaches. According to the doctor next week maybe we could start again.