- Έφτιαξα καινούρια κεφαλή πηδαλίου η οποία να χωράει τα βελόνια που υπήρχαν διαθέσιμα στο εμπόριο, σε αντίθεση με την παλιά που ήταν 50 mm αυτή είναι 35 mm. Η διαδικασία ήταν η γνωστή με τη μόνη διαφορά ότι ενισχύθηκε παραπάνω στο κέντρο και η χρήση κόλλας PU αντί εποξικής για τις κολλήσεις.
- I made a new rudder stock which fit the gudgeons that were commercially available, unlike the old ones that were 50 mmthis is 35 mm. This procedure was known with the only difference that was reinforced in the center and above the use of adhesive instead of epoxy PU for solder.
- I made a new rudder stock which fit the gudgeons that were commercially available, unlike the old ones that were 50 mmthis is 35 mm. This procedure was known with the only difference that was reinforced in the center and above the use of adhesive instead of epoxy PU for solder.